By Bye Huntsman By Bye!

By A. G. Belk
Staff Writter for rcity Community Web


From my computer desk here in Cedar Hill, Missouri, 63016...

The SE Missourian reported that Jon Huntsman abandoned his once-promising campaign for the Republican presidential nomination today, 01-16-2012 and endorsed Mitt Romney as the man 'best equipped to defeat Barack Obama' in the fall. Huntsman also appealed for remaining contenders to stop attacking each other in television commercials.

Well, Mr. Huntsman, you endorsed the candidate that began these nasty attacks... Mitt TV {Pac's} Attacks Romney.

Mr. Huntsman you are disingenuous. Most candidates are... Why would you endorse Romney if you really felt like what you said last week during the New Hampshire primary was accurate -- 'the former Massachusetts governor is out of touch and unelectable'?

And what I find really unfortunate and sad is Mr. Huntsman you were one of the purer candidates...

Each of the candidates left running are at best duplicitous! Gingrich claims Romney lied. He did and still does... Yet Gingrich, he is a 3 time promise breaker himself. Does he consider himself a liar? Paul preaches government cuts but flies first class at our expense. Paul failed to note that he wants to cut government spending everywhere except for airline tickets. Does Paul really believe government should cut spending? I doubt it! That sounds like a lie to me. Then there is Slick I mean Rick Santorum... The saint who voted for 5 increases in government spending... Slick could have voted NO! Then there is the military bible preach'in gunslinger Perry from the state of Texas who has done everything BIGGER and BETTER... that is if he can remember his points...

I have no plans to support or to vote for the lying socialist Mr. Obama again... Less than 3 weeks after being elected he began hiring lobbyists... Yet he traveled this country sayin he would get rid of lobbyists and not hire any in the Obama Administration. And Obama has lied about many other things as well. The Clintons, who are now wealthy... How much do you hear them support taking from the wealthy?

So we are in quite a pickle here in America. What will we do? I don’t know.

I’m not perfect either. Look at the mound of stones I have thrown...

A.G. Belk
Cedar Hill, Missouri 63016

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