A Letter to Govenor Rick Perry of Texas

By A. G. Belk
Staff Writter for rcity Community Web

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From my computer desk here in Cedar Hill, Missouri, 63016...

Dear Governor Perry,

Here is an important issue that could give your campaign a boost.

Any candidate who does not court Seniors will loose the election!!
By voting time in 2012 the largest single block of voters will be seniors 55 and older. Seniors will equal almost 70 million voters. Seniors will be 1/3 of the voting public.

Income for Seniors is a very important issue.
Seniors have paid into Social Security for more than 40 years. I have been paying Social Security for 49 years and I am only 60 years old.

The economy has been especially hard on Seniors. A successful candidate would point out that we gave trillions to banks and wall street and nothing to Seniors…

• It is shameful that Seniors in their later years are forced to work as greeters in Walmart and other such places even though they appreciate the employment opportunity.
• It is shameful that many Seniors have turned to reverse mortgages to scrimp by.
* It is necessary for children to make up what the government has taken away!
• Seniors would leave the workforce if they could really retire. By 2012 nearly 20% of the U.S. workforce will be age 55 or older http://www.theseniorsource.org/pages/StatInfo_EMPLOY.html
• More than 30 million Seniors live alone. Many are being force to group together just to make ends meet. Some children have made places for their parents in their homes.
• Affordable transportation is necessary for Seniors. Many communities do not have this. As a US Forrest Service Employee I was injured… 600 doctor appointments and therapy sessions later… I was able to return to some form of employment. When I could not drive transportation was a huge issue.

Here is what can be done:

• Repeal income taxes on Social Security. It was a serious mistake.
• Give a cost of living raise for Seniors from 1985 forward. Caring for Seniors is wise! It is prudent to help Seniors. They are deserving! Many have worked their fingers to the bone. Children love their parents and want them to be cared for. Allow Seniors to enjoy their latter years!
• Provide transpiration free passes good on any bus, taxi etc.

My wife and I have watched just about every debate. Ron Paul seems to be the one who makes the most statements in behalf of Seniors. Any candidate that takes a strong clear stand for Seniors in the debates will greatly rise in the polls.

I wish you well.


A.G. Belk
Cedar Hill, Missouri 63016

To discuss this and other issues please visit our blog.

P.S. It's now the morning after the election. Governor you should have listened! I doubt if you are listing now... Hello! Governor are you there? Maybe you could get back to me before the next election...

Sponcered by A. G. Belk - Realtor 636-577-7945